
〒630-8243 奈良市今辻子町32-2
tel/fax 0742-26-1001

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〒630-8243 32-2 Imazushi-cho , Nara-shi , Nara pref. JAPAN
tel/fax 0742-26-1001

by train
From Kintetsu-Nara station, 7th Exit, 7min on foot.
From JR-line Nara station east Exit, 7min on foot.

About Gallery

Gallery OUT of PLACE は、2005年春に奈良市の中心にオープンし、国内外で活躍する作家を定期的に紹介する現代アートギャラリーです。美術関係者のみならず一般のお客様に展覧会を楽しんでいただき、同時に質の高い作品を気軽に購入できるギャラリーとして運営しています。


Gallery OUT of PLACEではこの二つをキーポイントにして、ギャラリー運営を行なっております。新進気鋭の作家、深い哲学や思想を表現する実力のある作家を紹介し、観る者の心に強いインパクトと豊かな時間をもたらしてくれればと考えております。

2009年1月には東京・広尾に支店としてTOKIO OUT of PLACEを開設しました。また2014年2月末からTOKIO OUT of PLACEを3331Arts Chiyoda 207号室に移転し、屋号をGallery OUT of PLACEに統合し首都圏からも現代美術を発信してきました。

奈良盆地や紀伊半島に連綿と続いてきた長い歴史や文化が異なる文化と交流、融合し、新しくかつ普遍的な表現がOUT of PLACEから生まれる事を期待しています。
ギャラリー名の OUT of PLACE は、エドワード・サイードの同名自叙伝が由来になっています。どこにも帰属意識のない者こそが、新しい道を作り、新しい価値観を創造出来るというサイードの考えを見習い、芸術の裾野を広げていきたいと思っています。

代表 野村ヨシノリ

Gallery OUT of PLACE opened in the center of Nara City in the spring of 2005 and is a contemporary art gallery that regularly introduces artists active in Japan and abroad. We operate the gallery as a place where not only art professionals but also the general public can enjoy the exhibitions and at the same time purchase high quality works.

I stayed in France from 1992 to 1999. During that time, I covered not only Europe, but also North America, Central America, Australia, Africa, and Asia. I also spent about a year in Paris in 2003 training in art gallery management. As I got to know many people involved in the art world there, I became aware of two main issues.
One is the question of how the unique appeal of each region can coexist with the globalization of culture. The other is the question of arts management in Japan, which is still relatively small compared to Europe and the United States.

At Gallery OUT of PLACE, these two issues are the key points of our gallery management. We hope to introduce up-and-coming artists, as well as talented artists who express deep philosophy and thought, and bring a strong impact and enriching time to the viewer's mind.

In January 2009, we opened TOKIO OUT of PLACE as a branch in Hiroo, Tokyo. At the end of February 2014, we relocated TOKIO OUT of PLACE to 3331Arts Chiyoda room 207, and integrated its trade name into Gallery OUT of PLACE to promote contemporary art from the Tokyo metropolitan area.
In April 2021, we have finished our 12 years of activities in Tokyo, and from September 2021, we have just started organizing exhibitions and events at our Nara Head Office.

We hope that the long history and culture of the Nara Basin and the Kii Peninsula will be exchanged and fused with different cultures, and new and universal expressions will be born from OUT of PLACE.
The name of the gallery, OUT of PLACE, is derived from Edward Said's autobiography of the same name. I would like to emulate Said's idea that those who do not have a sense of belonging anywhere are the ones who can create new paths and new values, and I would like to expand the base of art.

Representative: Yoshinori Nomura
