1989 奈良県出身
2015 京都市立芸術大学大学院 美術研究科 修士課程 絵画専攻 油画 修了
I want to express the essentially invisible 'space itself' in my paintings. When I paint while looking at motifs side by side, I use my eyes as if I were 'touching the space between the motifs with my hands' rather than 'looking' at them. The space holds and spreads out a lot of information, such as temperature, humidity, talking voices, the smell of the outside. It makes it difficult to tell whether what we see is matter or just colours produced by light, front or back. Each painting is like an experiment, picking up and rearranging colours out of this confusion. In this work, too, the materiality of the paint and the layers of space are constantly interchanged, and I aimed for a painting in which the two sides of the painting are connected to each other, as if the screen you are looking at is connected to another faraway place.
1989 Born in Nara Prefecture
2015 Completed Master's course in Painting, Oil Painting, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Kyoto City University of Arts
2022 Floating coral / GAMOYON Gallery 大阪
2021 Touch with eyes / カモガワアーツ&キッチン, 京都
2022 ZEPHYR 3人展 / Gallery OUT of PLACE, 奈良
2018 生活と制作 -お留守番プロジェクト vol.6- / Gallery OUT of PLACE, 奈良
2016 作品中!/ galerie16, 京都
2015 アートアワードトーキョー丸の内2015, 東京
ART OSAKA 2015 / ホテルグランヴィア大阪, 大阪
Solo exhibitions
2022 Floating coral / GAMOYON Gallery, Osaka
2021 Touch with eyes / Kamogawa Arts & Kitchen, Kyoto
Group exhibitions
2022 ZEPHYR 3 artists exhibition / Gallery OUT of PLACE, Nara
2018 Life and production - Stay-at-home project vol.6- / Gallery OUT of PLACE, Nara
2016 In the works! / galerie16, Kyoto
2015 Art Award Tokyo Marunouchi 2015, Tokyo ART OSAKA
2015 / Hotel Granvia Osaka, Osaka