五影 華子
江上 里絵子
藤川 奈苗

Rieko EGAMI  

「TWE_O20」 2022 acrylic on cloth 145,5×112cm (c) Rieko Egami
「TWE_O20」 2022 acrylic on cloth 145,5×112cm (c) Rieko Egami

2022年 5月27日(金)– 6月26日(日)

27th May(fri.)- 26th June(sun.), 2022

木-日 12:00 - 19:00 開廊



Gallery OUT of PLACE
thu. - sun. 12:00 - 19:00
mon. tue. wed.

Night Viewing


Gallery OUT of PLACE

Gallery OUT of PLACEでは、2022年5−6月期の展覧会として、 3人の美術家によるグループ展「 ZEPHYR -西から吹く風の中で-」(平面絵画)を開催いたします。









Gallery OUT of PLACE  is very pleased to announce a new exhibition “ZEPHYR”   (painting)  by 3 artists in May - June period.

The exhibition "ZEPHYR" will introduce three painters, Hanako Itsukage, Rieko Egami, and Nanae Fujikawa, and showcase a group of new works by each.

One dictionary describes the meaning of "zephyr" as "a very calm and gentle wind.
It is derived from the mid-14th century Old English word Zefferus, originally from Latin Zephyrus, which is consistent with the Greek word Zephyros, "west wind" (often personified as a god).Probably related to zophos "west, dark region, darkness, gloom." The expanded meaning of "gentle westerly wind" took hold around 1600.

Such a meaning and sense of the word "zephyr," combined with the atmosphere created by the three painters personalities, led to the title of this exhibition, "ZEPHYR.
In fact, the three artists have many things in common, such as their orthodox abstract painting style, their approach to painting on a large canvas, and the fact that all three were born and raised in Nara and completed art school in Kyoto, all roughly the same generation.

However, it is also a fact that each of the three artists has a strong individuality of their own.

Hanako Itsukage came to Europe alone 10 years ago and has since established her own style of painting in Germany. While she uses a wide variety of colors in her paintings, she repeatedly uses a milky-white medium in the process of creation. Through a thin white veil, the viewer can see the flow of water, the slight movement of wind, ripples on the surface of a lake, and reflected light. The viewer is enveloped in the sensation of diving through a sea of ambiguity, finally arriving at the quiet bottom of the sea, and lying there.

Based on the idea that the simple landscape before one's eyes is actually composed of multiple overlapping layers, Rieko Egami creates a space that exudes an overwhelming sense of transparency in its geometric consistency, but with a hint of dissonance somewhere in the middle. It is a multi-layered space, and at the same time, it may be a moment (time) in which all the elements are coolly integrated by the artist herself, and fixed on the canvas.

Is it only the author who feels as if people can hear the profound cry of someone unknown in Nanae Fujikawa's paintings? Although her technique is orthodox, her pursuit leads to a world that no one has ever seen before. Fujikawa may be trying to depict light itself, rather than the shapes and contours illuminated by light. She seems to be trying to capture and visualize the trajectory of light particles running freely throughout the universe, and the waves of sound that are invisible but certainly audible.

For Japan, which is geopolitically located in the Far East, the "West" used to be the Western-centered world, but now the whole world, including East Asian countries such as China and Korea, as well as countries on the Eurasian continent, are in a sense located to the "West" of Japan and have a great influence on us.
In the field of art, the artists introduced in this issue may be required to be aware of their identity as Japanese people (artists), while being affected by the strong "westerly wind" from the rest of the world. However, these artists will not simply be left to be blown by the wind, but will become zephyr itself, which holds great potential, and will play a role in sending the wind to the world beyond the framework of East / West.

We hope you will take this opportunity to view the flexible and powerful new works of these three artists.

「untitled」 2022 oil on canvas 73x61cm (c) Nanae Fujikawa
「Reflow」2022 acrylic, oil, polyurethane on canvas 100x90cm (c) Hanako Itsukage