
field work in Tenkawa vol.6


Masato Akai

title : 「おん」2024 H111×W35×D16cm 杉、アクリル、顔料、白土、木工ボンド、エポキシ樹脂、鉱石、護符、紐、油彩
title : 「おん」2024 H111×W35×D16cm 杉、アクリル、顔料、白土、木工ボンド、エポキシ樹脂、鉱石、護符、紐、油彩

2024年 3月22日(金) ‒ 4月14日(日)

22nd March(fri)- 14th Apr.(sun), 2024

開廊:木-日 12:00 - 19:00
月・火・水 休廊





Gallery OUT of PLACE
Open : thu. - sun. 12:00 - 19:00
closed on mon, tue, wed,


18:00~19:30 on 23rd Mar. 2024

The artist will be present and talk about his work at the gallery.
Free admission.


Gallery OUT of PLACE

Gallery OUT of PLACEでは、 2024年3 - 4月期の展覧会として、赤井正人による個展「こそうのいわや  field work in Tenkawa vol.6」を開催します。



しかし、結局赤井が表現しようとしているのは絵画でも彫刻でもなく、彼の制作活動やそこで生きることそれ自体が天川という土地を掘り起こし、そこに広がる磁場が彼自身を含めた現代人にどんな影響をもたらすのか、もたらしてきたのか、それを探る行為としてのfield workこそが彼のアート活動なのかもしれません。



私は生まれ育った天川で美術家として長年活動している。今回の展覧会は、その活動(生活)の中で生まれた作品を展示すると同時に、天川という「場」が私自身にとって一体何なのかを知るためのfield workの経過報告展(vol.6)でもある。


天川は万物が生まれ出ずる場所であり消滅する場所でもあると、私がそう感じる所以がここにある。 文:赤井正人 2024年2月

Gallery OUT of PLACE is pleased to present "Koso no Iwaya field work in Tenkawa vol.6", a solo exhibition by Masato Akai, as part of the March-April 2024 exhibition.

After completing his studies at the Nara College of Art in 2003, Masato Akai has always been based in his native Tenkawa village.

For the first 15 years, he continued to produce and present figurative two-dimensional works (tempera paintings) that visualise the monstrous and invisible beings that lurk in the deep mountain forests.

In the last five years, Akai's form of expression has shifted to wood carving (sculpture). Using large trees in abundance in the surrounding area, Akai creates 3D sculptures of mysterious life forms, which, like the subjects of his paintings, are neither animal nor plant, and then chars them black over a flame.

When dozens of large black wood carvings are placed in a row, the installation is reminiscent of the surrounding Yoshino mountains, but also of a group of mountain priests who are asked to act as guides on the way to the other world.

In the end, however, what Akai is trying to express is neither painting nor sculpture, but the act of inviting people to embark on a journey to discover how the land of Tenkawa is unearthed through his creative activities and living there itself, and how the magnetic field that extends there affects and has affected contemporary people, including himself, This may be his field work. In addition to the black wood sculptures, the exhibition will also include a record of Akai's activities as a resident of Tenkawa Village and the Akai family.

artist statement

I have been working as an artist for many years in my native Tenkawa. This exhibition is a progress report (vol.6) of my field work, in order to understand what the 'place' of Tenkawa is for me, as well as to show what I have created in the course of my activities (life).

When discussing the Tenkawa, reference to mountain asceticism is unavoidable.
In mountain asceticism, there is a practice called 'toso'. The mountain asceticism is the practice of prostrating oneself in the mountains and forests. It is said that by walking, one can purge oneself of all worldly desires and unite one's mind. By walking around sacred mountains and places of practice, such as Omine Yushutu Rock, Mt Kamikura's Gotobiki Rock and Yudono's Panji, one becomes aware of the disappearance of one's ego and experiences the cycle of life.

Although I am not a mountain ascetic, I believe that by placing myself in the mountains, far removed from this world, and listening to the voices of the divine spirits and earth spirits hidden in the ancient layers, I can see the subtle stirrings of life that are often lost in modern society. As an act of reliving this process, I carve sculptures from raw wood. I then burn the sculptures in a flame, and in the process the traces of the act of carving disappear, and the essence of the work (and myself) becomes more apparent, and there comes a moment when I return to nature. This is why I feel that the Tenkawa is a place where all things are born and disappear. Text by Masato Akai February 2024

天川村の洞窟 役行者行場 photo by Masato Akai 2024