Takehiro Iwabuchi
アートのECプラットフォーム「OIL by 美術手帖」では、「OIL ART MARKET 2025」を2025年1月10日より開催(期間は1月31日まで)。2回目となる本イベントでは、「OIL by 美術手帖」オンラインに出店中の計12のギャラリーとともに、オンライン展示のほか、一部の作品は、1月10日より銀座 蔦屋書店で、1月15日より六本木 蔦屋書店にて会場展示します。
「OIL by 美術手帖」は、2019年開設。多くのギャラリーにご協力いただきながら、たくさんの方々へオンラインを通じて「アート作品の購入」という体験をお届けしてきました。23年に初開催した「OIL ART MARKET」では、当社施設をはじめ参加ギャラリーにご協力をいただきながら、オンラインだけでなく実際に作品にふれる機会を創出しました。
2回目となる今回は、銀座 蔦屋書店、六本木 蔦屋書店を拠点に、マルチプル作品の限定販売ブースも展開するなど、リアルスペースとオンラインを連動、拡大させることで、あらためて多くの方々に作品をコレクションする楽しみや、より身近に感じていただける「アート作品の購入」体験をお届けいたします。
Gallery OUT of PLACEからは岩渕毅弘をフィーチャーし、個展形式で渾身の新作(油彩)を、六本木蔦屋書店2階ラウンジに展示します。(もちろん同時にOILのECサイトにも掲載されます。1月15日からOILに掲載され販売が始まります。)
OIL にはすでに以前の岩渕毅弘作品が紹介されています。蔦屋六本木で展示する作品はまだ掲載されていませんが、ぜひそのページにもアクセスしてみて下さいね!
岩渕毅弘 (いわぶち たけひろ)/ Iwabuchi Takehiro
不明瞭で流動的な形態によってイメージが拡張され、見えていないたくさんのものの存在が浮き彫りになればよいと思っている。(アーティストステートメント'23 から抜粋)
1975 岩手県生まれ 岩手県花巻市在住
2009 岩手大学大学院教育学研究科教科教育専攻美術教育専修修了
The art e-commerce platform OIL by Bijutsu Techo will hold the OIL ART MARKET 2025 from 10 January 2025 (until 31 January), the second edition of the event, which will feature online exhibitions together with a total of 12 galleries currently operating OIL by Bijutsu Techo online shops.
In addition to the online exhibition, some works will be exhibited at Ginza Tsutaya from 10 Jan and at Roppongi Tsutaya from 15 Jan.
OIL by Bijutsu Techo will open in 2019. With the cooperation of many galleries, we have delivered the experience of ‘purchasing artworks’ to many people online, and in the ‘OIL ART MARKET’, held for the first time in 2011, with the cooperation of participating galleries, including our facilities, we have created an opportunity to experience artworks not only online, but also in person.
The second edition of the OIL ART MARKET was held in 2012.
This year's second OIL ART MARKET will be held at the Ginza Tsutaya and Roppongi Tsutaya bookshops, and will include a limited-edition sales booth for multiple artworks.
The new online space will also offer the experience of ‘purchasing artworks’, which will allow more people to enjoy collecting artworks and feel closer to them.
Gallery OUT of PLACE will feature Takehiro Iwabuchi, who will exhibit his latest works (oil paintings) in a solo exhibition in the 2nd floor lounge of Roppongi Tsutaya. (Of course, it will also appear on OIL's e-commerce site at the same time: it will be on OIL from 15 January and will be on sale from then on.) OIL has already featured previous works by Takehiro Iwabuchi. The works to be exhibited at Tsutaya Roppongi are not yet listed, but please visit that page as well!
Iwabuchi Takehiro
From my childhood to the present, I have had many opportunities to play with nature, such as mineral collecting, mountain climbing, rock climbing and fishing, and nature has been a familiar part of my life, which inevitably led to a fascination and strong interest in nature as a counter-concept to humans. The beauty of nature's colours and forms, the feel of rock surfaces and water, and the grandeur of its renewed sense of scale liberate the senses, and the experience of expanding the image forms the basis of my current expression. I hope to expand the image through unclear and fluid forms, bringing into relief the existence of many things that are not visible. (Extract from artist statement ‘23)
1975 Born in Iwate Lives and works in Hanamaki, Iwate
2009 Completed postgraduate studies in art education at the Graduate School of Education, Iwate University